What is a Webinar?

The term ‘webinar’ is the amalgamation of the two words ‘web’ and ‘seminar’. The term describes the online transmission of seminars, presentations, or similar content using video technology.

In contrast to a webcast where information is presented on demand and only transmitted in one direction, a webinar is interactive and therefore allows two-way communication between the organizer and the other participants. 

Webinars usually take place in real time, but recordings are sometimes used. In both cases, a specific start and end time is given in advance.

The organizer has the possibility to present material (media content, presentation slides, own screen, etc.) and to talk to the participants using VoIP (voice over IP).

Thanks to networking via the internet, the speaker and participants do not have to be in the same place – all they need is an internet connection and the respective access data.

If the organizer grants a participant speaking rights, they can speak directly to others during the event. Other interactive possibilities with webinars (also known as online seminars, web conferences, live webcasts, or web interviews) include chats, surveys, file sharing, or downloading.

A webinar gives you the opportunity to continue to reach your target group when the broadcast is over since each webinar can also be watched on demand.

This enables you to increase both the reach and the impact of your message

Here are some particularly good reasons why webinars are ideal for generating high-quality leads:

  1. Establish trust and credibility.
  2. Capture high-quality leads.
  3. Get leads from anywhere.
  4. Open partnership opportunities.
  5. Define your objectives and audience.
  6. Pick your partners.
  7. Set up your landing page.
  8. Promote the event.

Stop being afraid of webinars. Start running webinars regularly – the smart way – to build your business, build your income, and get more subscribers. Contact us for more details on how to run a successful webinar.