B2B Video Content: This pandemic has forced people to work remotely. No doubt that Covid-19 has changed the way we normally work. A change we’ll be coping with for the anticipatable future in numerous ways.
Nonetheless, that doesn’t mean you can’t keep rolling out video content for the B2B audience. In fact, it’s time to grab the opportunity, and the audience may even have a little more free time on their plate due to the lockdown.
This means they might be more responsive than usual, strike while the iron is hot, and turn the audience into clients. While some might think it’s challenging to provide new video content regularly, it isn’t as difficult as you think, as long as you have assets that you know can tell a compelling B2B story.
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Here are a few tactics to keep the B2B video content flowing.
#1 What’s on “the table”?
You must have already invested in shooting some great content. For whatever odd reasons, a lot of your great footage has never made it to the final table. Better late than never; now is the time to open your secret treasure.
You can search in your library of footage, grab some of the content, and viola! Repurpose it for new content. If you’ve conducted interviews and testimonials in the past, look for unique yet relevant soundbites for your new project.
Ensure to use a compelling b-footage, this will help you supplement your main narrative. Just in case you need voice-over support, look for voice-over artists as per your budget. Most of the expert voice-over artists have home studios and are available to record.
#2 Reformat for social media.
Look for the longer piece of work that hasn’t quite caught the audience’s eye and hasn’t earned the interaction you were really hoping for but still has a powerful message. Consider repurposing the footage into shorter fragments for social media channels, eventually directing traffic to the full video.
Don’t forget that each social media channel should be treated as a different entity such as there as some posts that would work for Facebook and not for LinkedIn. So it is always necessary to format the content as per each social media platform’s criteria.
On the other hand, if you have a relevant topic within the video that can be expanded, strategize how you can make that one topic a stand-alone video. Figure out to reap more value for the money out of videos you already have at your disposal.
#3 Plan your way out.
Have you canceled your shoot due to Covid-19? Are you sure you have an extensive project on the horizon once life gets back to normal? Get all the preproduction work out of your way now! Talk to your company, design strategies, and scripts, and get them approved now!
So once things get back to normal, you’re ready to get into production and hit the ground running. Take out time and plan now, don’t hold up production for your next shoot once we find our way out.
#4 Put stock videos to use
There’s a message you want to tell your audience with a video but don’t have any assets currently available. You can take a look at the stock videos and photo websites, and you’ll be surprised at all the fantastic stuff you can find.
Stock websites have really improved in recent years. They offer excellent quality and a variety of stock video collections. There’s a ton of amazing content out there on these websites for different B2B marketing industries. This is best if your messaging isn’t specific to one set audience and is used for a larger group audience.
With that being said, you always have DIY!
#5 DIY!
If the stock websites aren’t helping you because you’ve got a super-specific message to deliver about a product or a “how-to” tutorial, you can get all the required equipment from your house and shoot it yourself! Let’s say you have a smartphone with good camera quality, and thanks to lockdown, maybe a little extra spare time on your hands, so why not give it a try?
Well, it may not look as good as your other pieces, but your audience will probably appreciate your efforts and be a bit more understanding given the current scenario. If nothing else, you’ll have a great asset to look back on. And not to forget there are a lot of great video tutorials available online that can help you level up your video editing skills.
#6 Design your own graphic templates.
This is truly an amazing practice that has often been overlooked. If you are regularly rolling out video content and you haven’t templatized your on-screen motion graphics, such as full-screen graphics, logo reveals, lower thirds, intros, and outros, etc., you’re doing yourself an injustice. These practices will decrease the guesswork during post-production and save a lot of bucks in the long run.
#7 Go live!
You must’ve browsed through various channels, watched the news, and seen interviews conducted via Skype or Zoom. Join in the latest trend and go live on your favorite social media channel. Interview a Subject Matter Expert on related topics and services. Or much better, go live and take questions directly from your audience, and your SME can answer them.
There you go! Covid-19 Pandemic has undoubtedly put us in some unchartered waters. However, these tactics will help you develop ways to utilize your videos and help you steer through your B2B audience.